Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

We had such a fun Halloween this year! This is definitely one of my favorite holidays with kids! It's so fun to see them get so excited over their costumes, carving pumpkins, and of course, Trick or Treating!

This year, Darrin chose to be Ironman and Max was Buzz Lightyear. Oh, don't forget the dog...Dasher was Buzz's pal Woody!

Troy and I carved our pumpkins (with the boy's help) and Darrin and Max decorated theirs with Mr. Potato Head parts. We had a great time with our pumpkins!

Then, we went trick-or-treating around a neighborhood in our ward and the kids had a blast. Max got tired and was ready to come home after a few streets, but Darrin wanted to keep on going. We let him knock a few more houses and then made our way home.

One of the houses had a few scary people outside to scare the trick-or-treaters and it really spooked Max out. When we asked him later if he had fun trick-or-treating, all he could talk about was that "scary house"!

All in all, it was a GREAT Halloween!


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